1994, Untitled, L0194, 102x40 inches

Gouache, ink, chalk, pastel on velum & paper

1999, Column, M0199, 64x14 inches

Verso: Gouache & graphite on paper 

Recto: Gouache & graphite on paper

2007,  Seven Lines, M0107, 54x24 inches

Verso: Gouache & oil stick on paper

Recto: Gouache & graphite on paper

2003, Chess One, 29x9"

Verso:  Gouache on paper           Recto: Gouache on paper

2005,  Half for Serra, 98x36 inches

Verso:  Gouache on paper           Recto: Gouache on paper

2006,  Duck Bay,  78x28 inches

Verso: Gouache, pastel & snap line on paper

Recto:  Gouache & pastel on paper

1990,  Untitled, SC001,  12x12 inches

Oil on canvas

1990,  Untitled,  SC002,  12x12 inches

Oil and charcoal on canvas

2012,  Untitled,  54x58 inches

Flashe on canvas

2012,  Untitled, 6x36 Inches

Gesso & gouache on archival corrugated cardboard

2012,  Untitled, 60x60 inches

Pastel on Saunders Waterford paper

2012,  Untitled, 50x22 inches

Oil on canvas

2012,  Untitled, 60x60 inches

Mixed media on Saunders Waterford paper

2012,  Untitled,  55x60 inches

Gouache on Fabriano paper

2012,  Untitled, 60x60 inches

Charcoal on Saunders Waterford paper

2012,  Untitled, 60x60 inches

Gouache and resist on Saunders Waterford paper

2012,  Untitled, 60x58 inches

Gouache on Saunders Waterford paper

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